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Thursday, October 05, 2006

Hi guys, have not been on computer much for the last few days as I have had my nose stuck in a book lol, This auther Janet Evanovich, I had never heard of until my sister in law put me onto her and since then I have been addicted. It is the first author that has made me laugh so hard out loud that I cried. Seriously side splitting stuff. I am going backwards on ther range started with book ten and then went straight out the next day and bought 11 12 and 9, finished them a week later and went to the library yesterday and got 1, 4 , 5 , 8, and went to QBD today and bought 7. I never get like this with books so trust me and go get one at the library, you won't want to put it down. enjoy
Aunty Betty, start with 10 you'll laugh your bum off.xx


Marion McCready said...

hmmm...interesting, I'll keep an eye out.

TJ said... I'm gonna have to go get one myself...knowing my library I will have to order...they are so small and don't have much but if you order it is in from one of the bigger libraries in a day or two...I've heard before these are terribly good but never gave it a try...I need a diversion right now, so this would be the ticket!!

Teresa said...

Read her other stuff too. It is all very funny!