1.Blame it on one of your kids ( a personal favourite of mine)
2.Walk away giving the man next to you a disgusted look that everyone see's.
3.Hold them all in till one of your limbs blast off with jet propulsion
4.Say Sorry that was me really loud and then the on lookers get embaressed
5.If your in church wait for a loud song to start, or just play your tambourine harder and hope your skirt hasn't inflated on you.
6.Stop eating , yeah right lke thats ever going to happen!
Have you ever done one in the supermarket then ran into the next aisle to get away from it,lol
LMBFFBO ( work it out, be creative lol)
Check out FART FACTS and if you have some better excuses then please let me know.
Till then "Wherever ye be let the wind go free" ....in other words let it out girls lol
Laugh and the world laughs with you but fart and you stand alone!