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Monday, July 17, 2006

Rainbow...and the dirty diaper

Got these lovely photo's off our side deck, a beauty of a rainbow. Not a bad view huh. Now where do I start looking for the pot of gold. Could do with one for my holiday next month to the UK. If Horizon is any like her wee sister she was born to shop... Must go for now dirty diaper calling lol His sisters are begging me to change it lol. Boys boys boys


HORIZON said...

You're going to wonder what has hit you when you come home sis. All that open space and all yours- my place is tiny in comparison-lol
Oh well- all the more cosy :)(:
Love you like a sis- oh wait- you are my sis!!
Hey- l need more java.

Alice said...

What absolutely stunning photos. Such a fabulous view. Worth submitting to Gallery.

TJ said...

"Some where overrrrrr the rainbow...."
Loved the pic's...and I thought I smelt sumthin'!!

Anonymous said...

Hey what a great site keep up the work its excellent.

Anonymous said...

Greets to the webmaster of this wonderful site. Keep working. Thank you.